In this I have a very limited palette of Winsor & Newton gouache colors, permanent white, lemon yellow, golden yellow, flame red, ultramarine blue, ivory black. For brushes I have a limited assortment of synthetic sable rounds and one .25 inch flat. For the sketchbook I have a random 5 x 7 spiral bound with heavy, lightly toned paper. I don't remember where I got this thing, so I will be very sad when it is full because it is great for water based media. I also have a spray bottle, because it is compact and multi-purpose. To lay-in my drawing I use a mechanical pencil with a hb lead
Just for fun here is a landscape gouache I did from reference, probably 10 years ago.
As I mentioned I am heading out of town for the next five days or so. I am honored to have two guest bloggers, and they are Dan Dos Santos. Dan will be filling in on Friday, if you don't know Dan's work, shame on you and click on his name. On Monday will be Jeremy Cranford Sr. Art Manager at Blizzard. Thanks Dan and Jeremy.
wow I really like that painting! and what an awesome compact setup you have. Do you stand and hold the back of the sketchbook while you paint or do you have some kind of easel setup?
Hi Tim- I generally sit and hold the top of the kit in my hand, as you see it here, and hold the brushes I am not using and the sketchbook in that. I will then sit the palette next to me or in my lap. I will have my wif take pictures this week.
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